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VG SPD Reset Tool – (Latest Version)


The VG SPD reset tool is a Windows application that helps you factory reset your SPD (Spreadturm) UniSOC-based Android devices. It also helps you unlock patterns, passwords, pins, userlocks, and user data.

Here, you can get the download link for the latest version of the VG SPD Factory Reset Tool. Also, we have provided instructions on how to use it.


  • It has powerful pattern-unlocking capabilities.
  • You can remove user data easily.
  • It is a quick and efficient unlock processing tool.
  • It allows you to remove the screen lock.
  • You can recover your password.
  • You can fix software glitch issues.
  • It supports a wide range of devices.
  • It has a user-friendly interface.

VG SPD Reset Tool

How to download VG SPD Reset Tool

It helps you unlock your SPD (Spreadturm) UniSOC-based Android devices. We suggest you download the latest version of it for better stability. You can download the latest version of the VG SPD factory reset tool to your computer using the MediaFire and G-Drive buttons below. Simply click on the button that you want to download.

File Name:
File Size: 125 KB
Version: Latest
Platform: Windows (32-bit or 64-bit)

How to use the VG SPD Reset Tool

  1. Download the VG SPD factory reset tool on your device.
  2. Now extract and install it.
  3. Open the tool.
  4. Now power off your device.
  5. Connect the phone to your computer.
  6. The tool will now be able to detect your device.
  7. Click on the factory reset option.
  8. Wait for completion.


Before unlocking the device, back up your important data. Ensure your device has enough charge. If your device turns off during an unlock, chances are the device is dead. The VG SPD reset tool is easy to use, but if you are an expert, it will be easier to do this work, and experts should do this work.


Virus Status: Before uploading it, we checked it with Kaspersky Antivirus, so don’t worry about it.

USB Driver: If you need USB drivers, please check out our latest USB driver.

Firmware: For any Firmware, please visit the official Firmware.

VG tool: If you need a VG tool, please check out our latest VG tool.
